Life Insurance

Our services include:

  • Term assurance
  • Decreasing term assurance
  • Convertible term assurance
  • Family income protection
  • Mortgage protection
  • Whole of life
  • Keyman cover

If you are young, single and and without any dependants or liabilities, life assurance may well be unneccessary, but there are other reasons why life assurance is vital:

Mortgages: Removing the burden in case of death on your partner and/or children to clear the debt

Money for dependants: In the case of a young family you can ease the financial burden on your surviving partner (providing monies for a career, stay at home or work part time)

Business debts/Co-partners:If you are a key person, your business could insure you to provide cash flow to continue the running of business until a new recruit is found.

It can also enable your co-directors to pay a fair value for your share of the business to your estate.

La Bourse Limited  - Registered in England No: 1619124

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Registration No: 116391